- 600 - 650 out of 861 results
Search results
Volker Prott
- Aston University
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Research Centre for the Humanities
- Politics, History and International Relations - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Helen Pryce, PD (health); MSc
- Aston University
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Audiology - Reader
Person: Teaching & Research
Yaroslav Prylepskiy
- Aston University
- Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AiPT) - Senior Research Fellow
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Person: Research
Helen Pugh
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Marketing & Strategy - Teaching Fellow in Marketing
Person: Teaching
Moortooza Puttaroo
- Aston University
- Aston Pharmacy School - Senior Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Shuai Qin
- Aston University
- Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) - Impact Fellow
- College of Business and Social Sciences
Person: Research
Tien Thuy Quach
- Aston University
- Aston Pharmacy School - Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching
Lucy Rackliff
- Aston University
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Engineering Systems & Supply Chain Management - Head of Department
Person: Teaching & Research, Teaching
Ali Radfard
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Marketing & Strategy - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor and Executive Dean Zoe Radnor
Person: Teaching & Research
Edik Rafailov
- Aston University
- Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AiPT) - Professor (Research)
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Person: Research
Dr Abdul Raheem
- Aston University
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry - Post Doc Research Fellow
Person: Research
Professor Mujib Rahman
- Aston University
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Civil Engineering - Head of Department
Person: Teaching & Research
Ritu Raj
- Aston University
- School of Biosciences - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Research
Monder Ram
- Aston University
- Aston Business School - Professor
- Centre for Migration and Forced Displacement
- Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) - Centre Director
Person: Teaching & Research
Raveen Ramachandran Menon
- Aston University
- Aston Business School - Research Fellow
- Advanced Services Group - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Karan Rana
- Aston University
- School of Biosciences - Teaching Fellow
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Dan Rathbone
- Aston University
- Aston Pharmacy School - Senior Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Geetha Ravishankar
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship - Senior Teaching Fellow
Person: Academic Related
Zowie Ready
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- Centre for Innovation in Enterprise Education - Teaching Associate
- College of Business and Social Sciences
Person: Teaching
Laura Rebollo-Neira
- Aston University
- School of Computer Science and Digital Technologies
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Applied Mathematics & Data Science - Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr David E. Ressurreição Cardoso
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship - Lecturer in Finance
Person: Teaching & Research
Mrs Bobbie Retallack
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Accounting - Teaching Fellow
Person: Teaching
Dr James Reynolds
- Aston University
- School of Psychology - Senior Lecturer
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Institute of Health & Neurodevelopment
Person: Teaching & Research
Dr John J Reynolds
- Aston University
- School of Biosciences - Lecturer
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Ahmed Rezk
- Aston University
- Mechanical, Biomedical & Design Engineering - Senior Lecturer
- Aston Advanced Materials
- Engineering for Sustainable Development
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Anastasia Ri
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- Enterprise Research Centre (ERC)
- Aston Centre for Growth - Research Fellow
- Centre for Business Prosperity
Person: Research
Dr Dalila Ribaudo
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Nathan Ridout
- Aston University
- School of Psychology - Senior Lecturer
- Cognition & Neuroscience Research Group (CNRG)
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Robert Riegler
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship - Senior Teaching Fellow
Person: Teaching & Research
Brian Roberts
- Aston University
- School of Psychology - Professor
- Cognition & Neuroscience Research Group (CNRG)
- Centre for Vision and Hearing Research
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Richard Roberts
- Aston University
- Aston Business School - Professorial Research Fellow
- Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME) - Professorial Research Fellow
- College of Business and Social Sciences
Person: Research
Dr Flavia Rodricks
Person: Teaching & Research
Oscar Rodriguez-Espindola
- Aston University
- Aston Business School - Reader in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Aston Crisis Management Centre
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Operations & Information Management - Reader
Person: Teaching & Research
Valia Rodríguez Rodríguez
- Aston University
- Applied Health Research Group
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
- Audiology - Lecturer in Neurophysiology
Person: Teaching & Research
Ms Frances Rosairo
- Aston University
- Aston Business School
- College of Business and Social Sciences
- Accounting - Senior Teaching Fellow
Person: Teaching
Ewan Ross
- Aston University
- School of Biosciences - Lecturer in Immunology
- Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Alice Rothnie
- Aston University
- School of Biosciences - Reader
- Biosciences Research Group (BRG)
- Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Carolyn Rowe
- Aston University
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities - Reader
- Aston Centre for Europe (ACE)
- Politics, History and International Relations - Reader, Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research