Daniel Kirby
- Aston Pharmacy School - Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Affiong Iyire
Person: Teaching & Research
Ali Al-Khattawi
- Aston University
- Aston Pharmacy School - Lecturer
- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Pharmacy Research Group (PCPRG)
- College of Health and Life Sciences
Person: Teaching & Research
Majad Hussain
- Centre for Genome-based Therapeutics
- Di v ision of Pharmacology, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Uni v ersity of Wales College of Cardiff, Cardiff CF1 3XF, UK
- Cardiff University
- Pharmaceutical Sci. Res. Institute
- Aston University
- Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
- Aston Centre for Gene-based Therapeutics (ACGT)
- Pharmaspec Ltd
- University of Bradford
External person
David Huen
External person