Personal profile
Research Interests
My research interests centre around the physical modelling of pollution transport in environmental flows, with a particular focus on the influence of flow rate and Reynolds Number variation on dispersion processes. My main expertise lies in using tracer testing to investigate dispersion processes in both lab and field settings.
My PhD research investigated solute dispersion for laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow in water distribution networks. My postdoctoral research focused on the effect of vegetation density and distribution on pollutant residence times in vegetated drainage systems.
I am currently working on projects investigating contamination transport in groundwater systems in South Asia, as well as pollution dispersion characteristics and the general hydrological response of nature-based solutions in the UK, such as beaver dams.
Teaching Activity
- Hydraulics (EC3HDS)
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (EC2FMP)
- Water and Waste Water Engineering (EC4WWE)
- Major Civil Engineering Desing Project (EC4MCE)
- Sustainable Infrastructure Sytems (EC3SIS)
- Construction Project Managment Foundations (SE0CPF)
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