• School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle

      B4 7ET Birmingham

      United Kingdom

    Personal profile

    Research Interests

    Understanding how the binding of a single ligand influences the behaviour of a membrane protein target is a fundamental concept of both molecular pharmacology and drug discovery. My research examines this question in detail using a multitude of approaches from ligand docking and Molecular Dynamics simulations in computational biology for drug discovery, through to using microfluidics and building ‘organs on a chip’ to define the actions of drugs on cells in a realistic setting. This multifaceted approach is well suited to study this rich and complex topic and will aid the future development of new drugs and novel treatments for disease.


    Computational Biology
    Drug Discovery/Drug Screening
    Molecular Dynamics/Monte Carlo Simulations

    Molecular Pharmacology
    G Protein-Coupled Receptors
    Molecular Biology
    3D cell culture
    Organ on a chip


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