Accepting PhD Students

    PhD projects

    Small molecule and oligonucleotide approaches against microbial resistance mechanisms

    Personal profile

    Membership of Professional Bodies

    Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)

    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

    Chartered Chemist (CChem)

    Chartered Scientist (CSi)

    Teaching Activity

    Aston Pharmacy School MPharm course:

    Chemical aspects of pharmacy

    Theme lead for Personalisation of Pharmaceuticals (POP)

    PH2519 depth assessment lead for Drugs to Market (DTM)

    PH3619 depth assessment lead for Inflammation and Immunity (IAI).

    Various MSc courses:

    Module leader for PHM202 - Drug Discovery

    Module leader for PHM205 Principles of Product Analysis and Validation

    Education/Academic qualification

    PhD, The Design Synthesis and Testing of Inhibitors of Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, University of Strathclyde

    1 Oct 19861 Sept 1989

    Award Date: 6 Nov 1989

    BSc, First Class Honours in Chemistry, University of Strathclyde

    1 Oct 198230 Jun 1986

    Award Date: 31 Jul 1986


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