A comparison of the economic performance of different micro-states, and between micro-states and larger countries

Harvey W. Armstrong, Ronan J. De Kervenoael, X. Li, R. Read

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The economic performance of micro-states and those sub-national regions enjoying a high degree of autonomy is a generally under-researched area. This paper builds on earlier research (Armstrong and Read, 1995) by employing quantitative techniques to test: 1. (a) the extent to which the economic performance of micro-states differs, by comparing their GNP per capita with that of the region in which they are located and with the countries to which they are adjacent; 2. (b) whether some micro-states perform better than others as a result of differences in their economic structure; and 3. (c) whether the rates of growth of micro-states have been faster or slower than those of larger countries. Considerable diversity among micro-states is revealed, although most exhibit strong economic performance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)639-656
Number of pages18
JournalWorld Development
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1998


  • micro-states
  • global
  • regional
  • economic performance
  • industrial structure


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