A method for analyzing on-line video images of crystallization at high-solid concentrations

Jian Wan, Cai Y. Ma, Xue Z. Wang

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Recent research has demonstrated that on-line video imaging is a very promising technique for monitoring crystallization processes. The bottleneck in applying the technique for real-time closed-loop control is considered as image analysis that needs to be robust, fast and able to handle varied image qualities due to temporal variations of operating conditions such as mixing and solid concentrations. Image analysis at high-solid concentrations turns out to be extremely challenging because crystals tend to overlap or attach to each other and the boundaries between the crystals are usually ambiguous. This paper presents an image segmentation algorithm that can effectively deal with images taken at high-solid concentrations. The method segments crystals attached to each other along the mostly related concave points on the contours of crystal blocks. The detailed procedure is introduced with application to crystallization of l-glutamic acid in a hot-stage reactor.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-15
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2008


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