A scatterometer neural network sensor model with input noise

Dan Cornford, Guillaume Ramage, Ian T. Nabney

Research output: Preprint or Working paperTechnical report


The ERS-1 satellite carries a scatterometer which measures the amount of radiation scattered back toward the satellite by the ocean's surface. These measurements can be used to infer wind vectors. The implementation of a neural network based forward model which maps wind vectors to radar backscatter is addressed. Input noise cannot be neglected. To account for this noise, a Bayesian framework is adopted. However, Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling is too computationally expensive. Instead, gradient information is used with a non-linear optimisation algorithm to find the maximum em a posteriori probability values of the unknown variables. The resulting models are shown to compare well with the current operational model when visualised in the target space.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBirmingham
PublisherAston University
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)NCRG/98/021
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 1998


  • non-linear regression
  • input uncertainty
  • wind retrieval
  • scatterometer


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