Antecedents and consequences of service quality in consumer evaluation of self-service internet technologies

Prem Shamdasani, Avinandan Mukherjee, Neeru Malhotra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Advances in technology coupled with increasing labour costs have caused service firms to explore self-service delivery options. Although some studies have focused on self-service and use of technology in service delivery, few have explored the role of service quality in consumer evaluation of technology-based self-service options. By integrating and extending the self-service quality framework the service evaluation model and the Technology Acceptance Model the authors address this emerging issue by empirically testing a comprehensive model that captures the antecedents and consequences of perceived service quality to predict continued customer interaction in the technology-based self-service context of Internet banking. Important service evaluation constructs like perceived risk, perceived value and perceived satisfaction are modelled in this framework. The results show that perceived control has the strongest influence on service quality evaluations. Perceived speed of delivery, reliability and enjoyment also have a significant impact on service quality perceptions. The study also found that even though perceived service quality, perceived risk and satisfaction are important predictors of continued interaction, perceived customer value plays a pivotal role in influencing continued interaction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-138
Number of pages22
JournalService Industries Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2008


  • self-service
  • internet technologies
  • service quality
  • antecedents
  • consequences


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