Automatic arc discharge-induced helical long period fiber gratings and its sensing applications

Bing Sun*, Wei Wei, Changrui Liao, Lin Zhang, Zuxing Zhang, Ming-Yang Chen, Yiping Wang

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We experimentally demonstrate an automatic arc discharge technology for inscribing high-quality helically twisted long period fiber gratings (H-LPFGs) with greatly improved inscription efficiency for single mode fibers. The proposed technology has been developed by implementing an embedded program in a commercial fusion splicer, which employs an ultraprecision motorized translation stage while the tensioning mass required by conventional inscribing technology is eliminated. More significantly, the arc-induced H-LPFGs have been reported to have potential usage as sensors in temperature, refractive index, twist stress, and strain.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)873-876
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Issue number11
Early online date12 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2017

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  • fiber optics
  • fiber optics components
  • fiber optics sensors
  • gratings


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