Distribution of the fuel flow in a cold start system using an electronic fuel injector

Luís Carlos Monteiro Sales*, Rudolf Huebner, Cristiana Brasil Maia, José Ricardo Sodré

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Cold start systems provide the introduction of gasoline inside the engine intake system during cold start and warm-up acceleration, as ethanol fuel shows engine operation difficulties at low temperatures. Despite the technological evolution, traditional cold start systems may present problems mainly related to flow control and gasoline distribution to the engine cylinders hindering cold start and warm-up operation with the increasing of emissions levels and fuel consumption. The cold start system used allows for simultaneous gasoline introduction through calibrated orifices in the four conduits of the intake system. Adjustment of gasoline flow is made by an electronic fuel injector. The objective of this work is to analyze numerically and experimentally the gasoline flow in an auxiliary cold start system for vehicles with engines using ethanol or ethanol-gasoline blends (flex fuel). Computational fluid dynamics made possible to determine the calibrated hole diameters for more efficient pulverization and uniform distribution of gasoline to the engine cylinders.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2007-01-2706
JournalSAE Technical Papers
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2007
Event16th Congresso e Exposicao Internacionais da Tecnologia da Mobilidade - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Duration: 28 Nov 200730 Nov 2007


  • Cold start
  • cold-start system
  • ethanol fuel
  • flex fuel
  • internal combustion engine


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