Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013

Kathy Daniels

Research output: Other contribution


This factsheet was last updated in August 2013.

Background to the Act
The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill was introduced to Parliament in May 2012 and, following various amendments, received Royal Assent on 25 April 2013. In early June 2013, the Government issued an indicative timetable of commencement dates for the various sections of the Act. While some of the changes have come into force or had definite implementation dates announced, for other there is no definite date.
The Act is broad ranging. Although this factsheet focuses specifically on employment related issues it is important to note that the Act also makes other provisions:
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•Background to the Act
•Employment provisions of the Act
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Original languageEnglish
TypeCIPD factsheet
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013

Publication series

NameCIPD factsheet

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