Epitaxially regrown quantum dot photonic crystal surface emitting lasers

Aye S. M. Kyaw, Ben C. King, Adam F. McKenzie, Zijun Bian, Daehyun Kim, Neil D. Gerrard, Kenichi Nishi, Keizo Takemasa, Mitsuru Sugawara, David T. D. Childs, Calum H. Hill, Richard J. E. Taylor, Richard A. Hogg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Quantum dot-based epitaxially regrown photonic crystal surface emitting lasers are demonstrated at room temperature. The GaAs-based devices, which are monolithically integrated on the same wafer, exhibit ground state lasing at ∼1230 nm and excited state lasing at ∼1140 nm with threshold current densities of 0.69 and 1.05 kA/cm2, respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Article number221101-5
Number of pages6
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2024

Bibliographical note

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Data Access Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  • Epitaxy
  • Photonic crystals
  • Quantum dots
  • Lasers
  • Semiconductors


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