Exclusive online delivery to work-based learners: the good, the bad and the promising

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The Level 6 Digital & Technology Solutions degree apprenticeship is a multi-disciplinary course: its content is designed to embody the right business-engineering trade-off, its delivery is aimed at conveying a well-balanced mix of business and engineering knowledge, skills and behaviours, and its assessment is infused with evaluation instruments carefully calibrated to meaningfully measure both business and engineering performance. This chapter investigates the lessons learnt from two years’ worth of teaching the apprenticeship exclusively online. The impact on the programme’s multi-disciplinary content, delivery and assessment is analysed from several perspectives: the positives that others in the academic community can take inspiration from, the negatives on which we would welcome the input of our university peers, and the promising avenues where existing evidence is scarce, but sufficient to warrant further investigation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBusiness Teaching Beyond Silos
EditorsLauren Traczykowski, Alan Goddard, Gillian Knight , Elinor Vettraino
PublisherEdward Elgar
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781802209037
ISBN (Print)9781802209020
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2023


  • pedagogy of work-based learning
  • digital apprenticeships
  • online teaching


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