Femtosecond laser inscribed Bragg sensor in Terfenol-D coated optical fibre with ablated microslot for the detection of static magnetic fields

Graham N. Smith, Thomas D.P. Allsop, Kyriacos Kalli, Charalambos Koutsides, Ron Neal, Kate Sugden, Philip Culverhouse, Ian Bennion

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputOther chapter contribution

Conference publication

Search results

  • 2011

    870nm Bragg grating in single mode TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fibre

    Yuan, W., Webb, D. J., Kalli, K., Nielsen, K., Stefani, A., Rasmussen, H. K. & Bang, O., 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). SPIE, 4 p. 77538X. (SPIE proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • All-fibre twist sensor system based on 45° and 8° tilted fibre gratings

    Yan, Z., Adebayo, A., Zhou, K., Zhang, L. & Webb, D., 17 May 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 77538E. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • Femtosecond laser inscribed superstructure fibre gratings

    Kalli, K., Koutsides, C., Davies, E., Komodromos, M., Webb, D. J. & Zhang, L., 17 May 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 775393. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • Fibre optic sensors for high speed hypervelocity impact studies and low velocity drop tests

    Jackson, D. A., Cole, M. J., Burchell, M. J. & Webb, D. J., 17 May 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 77534X. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • Improved time response for polymer fibre Bragg grating based humidity sensors

    Zhang, W., Webb, D. J. & Peng, G.-D., 17 May 2011, SPIE proceedings. Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 77533M. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 77533).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • Numerical modelling of complex femtosecond laser inscribed fiber gratings - comparison wih experiment

    Koutsides, C., Kalli, K., Webb, D. J. & Zhang, L., 17 May 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 77536Q. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access
  • Remotely tuneable optical filter based on polymer fibre Bragg grating

    Zhang, W., Webb, D. J. & Peng, G.-D., 17 May 2011, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, W. J., Albert, J. & Bao, X. (eds.). Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE, 4 p. 77537B. (SPIE Proceedings; vol. 7753).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication

    Open Access