Gender, Religion and Childhood: Towards a new research agenda

Rachael Shillitoe, Céline Benoit

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In this chapter, we seek to begin a conversation about religion and gender in childhood by briefly outlining some of the main theoretical contributions that can underscore our thinking about the interrelations between religion, gender and childhood within a mainly European and North American context. We argue that through researching childhood in relation to gender and religion, we can advance our knowledge and understanding of the processes of formation and negotiation of both gendered and religious identities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society
EditorsCaroline Starkey, Emma Tomalin
Place of PublicationOxon
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-429-46695-3
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2022


  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Childhood


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