Identifying the trends and impact of graduate attributes on employability: a literature review

Mohamad Osmani, Vishanth Weerakkody, Nitham M. Hindi, Rajab Al‐Esmail, Tillal Eldabi, Kawaljeet Kapoor, Zahir Irani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Graduate employability has become an issue since there are broad mismatches between the acquired graduate skills from university and the required skills by employers. While previous researches have outlined the salient skills that need to be embedded in graduate education, to date no studies have attempted to methodically identify and synthesize the literature on graduate attributes. In this paper a total of 39 relevant studies on graduate skills and attributes in the subject areas of business and management, accounting, and computer science were extracted from Scopus® (database). This revealed a total of 53 graduate attributes, with some being highly used, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, technological skills, creativity, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, self-management and flexibility/adaptability. The majority of studies used a quantitative survey method to collect and rank graduate attributes, and Australia emerged as the most active country in researching the domain.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367-379
JournalTertiary Education and Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2015


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