Improving satisfaction with construction project outcomes: The role of culture

Nii Amponsah Ankrah, David Proverbs, Debrah Yaw

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


The quest to evolve an industry that performs well requires an evolution of the process of delivery. To this end, new approaches such as lean thinking and partnering have been introduced into construction. Underlying many of these new approaches is a need for fundamental changes in the culture within the construction project organization. Many have thus called for cultural change on construction projects. In order to establish which dimensions of culture need to be changed, and the direction of such change, this research was undertaken to look for empirical evidence that such changes will lead to performance improvement. The satisfaction of participants with project outcomes was measured as a proxy for performance. Data on cultural orientations and satisfaction levels was collected through a questionnaire survey of UK contractors. Although factor analysis revealed five principal dimensions of culture - workforce orientation, performance orientation, team orientation, client orientation and project orientation - only team orientation and workforce orientation were found to lead to improved satisfaction. It is recommended therefore that more effort and resources are devoted towards improvements in these regards.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCME 2007 Conference - Construction Management and Economics
Subtitle of host publication'Past, Present and Future'
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2007
Event25th Inaugural Construction Management and Economics: 'Past, Present and Future' Conference, CME 2007 - Reading, United Kingdom
Duration: 16 Jul 200718 Jul 2007


Conference25th Inaugural Construction Management and Economics: 'Past, Present and Future' Conference, CME 2007
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Construction project organization
  • Organizational culture
  • Participant satisfaction
  • Team orientation
  • Workforce orientation


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