Investigating the Benefits and Barriers of Using AI Chatbots in Education

Ishita Naik, Dishita Naik, Nitin Naik

Research output: Preprint or Working paperPreprint


Innovation and creativity are the most essential requirements for making education effective. Several innovative and creative tools and techniques have been developed and used for making education effective. Progressively, AI chatbots are another means by which educational institutions are able to provide an innovative, creative and interactive learning environment. AI chatbots are not just providing an innovative learning environment to students, but they are also providing help in almost all educational activities. In education, AI chatbots provide several benefits to individuals and educational institutions, however, there are several barriers in their use as well, and it is important to deliberate all these barriers when using these AI chatbots in education. Therefore, this paper will investigate several benefits and barriers of AI chatbots in education. Firstly, it will discuss the evolution of chatbots, and the use of some modern AI chatbots in education. Subsequently, it will investigate several benefits of AI chatbots in education. Finally, it will investigate several barriers of AI chatbots in education. This investigation will provide a detailed insight into both positive and negative aspects of AI chatbots alongside its use in education for better understanding.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Nov 2024


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