Keyboard warriors in cyberfights: conflict in online communities of consumption and its effects on community resources

Andrew Farrell, John Rudd, Kristine de Valck, Olivier Sibai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Conflicts are very common in Online Consumption Communities (OCC) and numerous expressions have developed to describe them. Prior research indicates contradictory effects on community resources, namely social capital and culture. One stream finds that online conflict dissolves social capital and community culture (cf. De Valck 2007) while another stream finds it enhances them (cf. Ewing, Wagstaff, and Power 2013). Therefore, the effect of OCC conflict on community resources is unclear. In this paper, we (1) investigate
conflict in OCC to develop a typology, and (2) delineate how each type of OCC conflict impacts community resources. This research contributes to our understanding of OCC conflicts and to the literature on value formation in OCC.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication[Proceedings]
EditorsJune Cotte, Stacy Wood
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2014

Publication series

NameNorth American advances in consumer research


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