Level 3 details and their role in fingerprint identification: A survey among practitioners

Alexandre Anthonioz*, Nicole Egli, Christophe Champod, Cedric Neumann, Roberto Puch-Solis, Andie Bromage-Griffiths

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Level 3 details are used in fingerprint comparison by fingerprint examiners to reach a conclusion as to the identity of a person from a latent impression recovered from a crime scene. Level 3 details are usually used in a holistic way, mainly by members of the fingerprint community who are not subjected to a numerical standard rule. Although the term Level 3 detail is well known, a survey performed by the authors suggests that there is no clear consensus on the classification, reproducibility, and individual value of Level 3 details.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)562-589
Number of pages28
JournalJournal of Forensic Identification
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2008


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