Luminescence properties of oxide coatings on aluminum alloys

P. P. Pershukevich, D. V. Shabrov, V. P. Osipov, J. Schreiber, V. A. Lapina

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This is a study of the luminescence properties of coatings formed on aluminum alloys by anodizing in electrolytic solutions based on oxalic, sulfuric, and tartaric-sulfonic acids. At least two emission centers, with band maxima in the ranges of 390-410 and 470-510 nm, can be reliably identified in the photoluminescence spectra. The first type of center is characterized by single-band photoluminescence excitation spectra and the second, by two-band spectra. An analysis of the two-band photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra in the range of 470-510 nm shows that the position of the narrow short-wavelength PLE spectrum near 272 nm is independent of the type of acid used in the anodization process. The position and shape of the other PLE spectral bands depend both on the type of acid used and on the processing of the alloy or alumina surfaces. It is assumed that defect-free alumina centers are responsible for the 272 nm PLE band, while the other photoluminescence bands are caused primarily by different divacancies of oxygen (F+ 2, F2, and F+2 2 centers) whose origin is governed by the type of electrolyte.

Original languageEnglish
Article number524
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Applied Spectroscopy
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2011


  • anodic alumina
  • oxalic, sulfuric, and tartaric-sulfonic acids
  • photoluminescence excitation spectrum
  • photoluminescence spectrum


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