Malmquist indexes using a geometric distance function (GDF)

Maria C.A.S. Portela, Emmanuel Thanassoulis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Traditional approaches to calculate total factor productivity change through Malmquist indexes rely on distance functions. In this paper we show that the use of distance functions as a means to calculate total factor productivity change may introduce some bias in the analysis, and therefore we propose a procedure that calculates total factor productivity change through observed values only. Our total factor productivity change is then decomposed into efficiency change, technological change, and a residual effect. This decomposition makes use of a non-oriented measure in order to avoid problems associated with the traditional use of radial oriented measures, especially when variable returns to scale technologies are to be compared.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationData envelopment analysis and performance management
EditorsAli Emrouznejad, Victor Podinovski
PublisherWarwick University
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)0-90268-373-X
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2004
Event4th International Symposium of DEA : Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Management - Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Sept 20046 Sept 2004


Other4th International Symposium of DEA : Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Management
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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