Managing risk in enterprise resource planning projects

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects are strategic and capital intensive, so failure may be costly and even cause bankruptcy of companies. Previous studies have proposed ways for improving implementation, but they are mostly generic and follow standardized project management practices as specified in various standards (e.g. the “project management body of knowledge” of the Project Management Institute). Because ERP is interdisciplinary (involving change management, project management and information technology management), it warrants a customized approach to managing risks throughout the life cycle of implementation and operation. Through a practical case study, this paper demonstrates a qualitative, user friendly approach to ERP project risk management. Firstly, through a literature review it identifies various risk factors in ERP implementation. Secondly, the risk management practices of a UK-based multinational consulting company in one of its clients are evaluated. The risk factors from the case study organization and literature are then compared and discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImplementation - realizing operations management knowledge
Subtitle of host publicationproceedings of 16th International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association
EditorsMats Johansson, Patrik Jonsson
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event16th international annual conference of the European Operations Management Association - Göteborg, Sweden
Duration: 14 Jun 200917 Jun 2009


Conference16th international annual conference of the European Operations Management Association
Abbreviated titleEurOMA 2009


  • ERP
  • project processes
  • risk management


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