Multi-period model for disaster management in simultaneous disasters

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Relief activities are complicated when multiple disasters take place simultaneously at different locations. Designing effective relief networks for these instances involves managing the priorities among regions and products, developing the capacity to share limited resources and facilities, and engaging with multiple suppliers over several periods. Unfortunately, even after recent experiences in different countries, the management of simultaneous disasters is still understudied. This article introduces a two-stage dynamic formulation for logistics decisions in instances caused by simultaneous disasters. It guides supplier selection, facility location, stock pre-positioning, and resource allocation at the first stage, whereas relief distribution, post-disaster procurement, and inventory management are addressed at the second stage. The model minimizes cost and the maximum shortage. Results of numerical experiments show the way the model considers the characteristics of each situation to dispatch limited shared resources. The experiments show that planning for single disasters has a negative impact on performance when faced with situations caused by simultaneous disasters. That is confirmed by findings from the case study in Mexico, which also highlights the preference for prepositioning stock using a mix of different kind of suppliers, and the importance of developing a reliable network of facilities and suppliers to handle simultaneous disasters effectively.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Early online date21 Dec 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Dec 2022

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  • Costs
  • Disaster management
  • Hazards
  • Humanitarian logistics
  • Logistics
  • Procurement
  • Resource management
  • Uncertainty
  • multiobjective programming
  • procurement
  • simultaneous disasters


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