On an indirect integral equation approach for stationary heat transfer in semi-infinite layered domains in R3 with cavities

R.S. Chapko, B.T. Johansson, O.B. Protsyuk

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Regions containing internal boundaries such as composite materials arise in many applications.We consider a situation of a layered domain in IR3 containing a nite number of bounded cavities. The model is stationary heat transfer given by the Laplace equation with piecewise constant conductivity. The heat ux (a Neumann condition) is imposed on the bottom of the layered region and various boundary conditions are imposed on the cavities. The usual transmission (interface) conditions are satised at the interface layer, that is continuity of the solution and its normal derivative. To eciently calculate the stationary temperature eld in the semi-innite region, we employ a Green's matrix technique and reduce the problem to boundary integral equations (weakly singular) over the bounded surfaces of the cavities. For the numerical solution of these integral equations, we use Wienert's approach [20]. Assuming that each cavity is homeomorphic with the unit sphere, a fully discrete projection method with super-algebraic convergence order is proposed. A proof of an error estimate for the approximation is given as well. Numerical examples are presented that further highlights the eciency and accuracy of the proposed method.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)4-18
    Number of pages15
    JournalJournal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • semi-innite multilayer domain
    • Green's matrix
    • boundary integral equations
    • weak singularities
    • Galerkin method
    • spherical functions
    • Gauss-Legandre quadratures
    • sinc-quadratures


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