Optical fibre-based detection of DNA hybridization

Anna V. Hine, Xianfeng F. Chen, Marcus D. Hughes, Kaiming Zhou, Edward Davies, Kate Sugden, Ian Bennion, Lin Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A dual-peak LPFG (long-period fibre grating), inscribed in an optical fibre, has been employed to sense DNA hybridization in real time, over a 1 h period. One strand of the DNA was immobilized on the fibre, while the other was free in solution. After hybridization, the fibre was stripped and repeated detection of hybridization was achieved, so demonstrating reusability of the device. Neither strand of DNA was fluorescently or otherwise labelled. The present paper will provide an overview of our early-stage experimental data and methodology, examine the potential of fibre gratings for use as biosensors to monitor both nucleic acid and other biomolecular interactions and then give a summary of the theory and fabrication of fibre gratings from a biological standpoint. Finally, the potential of improving signal strength and possible future directions of fibre grating biosensors will be addressed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)445-449
Number of pages5
JournalBiochemical Society Transactions
Issue numberPart 2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2009


  • biosensor
  • DNA hybridization
  • evanescent wave
  • long-period fibre grating
  • LPFG
  • optical fibre
  • unlabelled biomolecule


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