Political parties and trade unions in the post-communist Poland: class politics that have never a chance to happen

Paweł Kamiński, Patrycja Rozbicka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Trade unions in Poland have not built the stable and long-term relations with political parties as are observed in Western democracies. By analysing the historical and symbolic background of the transformation to a democratic civil society and free market economy, political preferences of working class, trade union membership rates, and public opinion polls, we argue that, in case of Poland, the initial links between political parties and trade unions weakened over time. Polish trade unions never had a chance to become a long-term intermediary between society and political parties, making the Polish case study a double exception from the traditional models.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-204
Number of pages14
JournalPolish Political Science Yearbook
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2016

Bibliographical note

Kamiński, P., & Rozbicka, P. (2016). Political parties and trade unions in the post-communist Poland: class politics that have never a chance to happen. Polish Political Science Yearbook, 45, 191-204. DOI:10.15804/ppsy2016015


  • trade unions
  • social cleavages
  • Poland
  • party politics


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