Realising human rights in transnational business networks: a personalised account of the making of the Atlanta Agreement and its moral logics

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


This thesis is a personalised account of realising the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 138 (Minimum Age) and Article 32 (Child labour) of the Rights of the Child (CRC) in the transnational network of manufacturing hand-stitched footballs in Pakistan. It focuses specifically on how transnational NGOs and firms develop shared understanding of the meaning of human rights in transnational business networks and how transnational NGOs structure their collaborative relationship with firms. In this thesis, the term ‘realisation’ refers to the enforcement of human rights and it is being conceptualised from a sociological and normative perspective.
My research approach is interdisciplinary and it draws on a broad range of literature related to the subject of this study. The personalised account which this thesis presents is based on an interpretive paradigm and represents a recognised sociological research tradition of autoethnography.
The thesis advances an empirical framework of moral logics and by identifying and explaining the process of normative judgement, it extends and refines the processual approach to business ethics. Furthermore, it explains the process through which NGOs define their ethical position and the nature of their partnering roles and relationship with firms. Finally, the thesis discusses and considers certain implications on the management of business ethics and suggests directions for further research.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Nottingham
  • Crane, Andrew, Supervisor, External person
  • Moon, Jeremy, Supervisor, External person
Award date10 Dec 2010
Publication statusUnpublished - 10 Dec 2010


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