Scenario-based serious games repurposing

Aristidis Protopsaltis*, Laurent Auneau, Ian Dunwell, Sara De Freitas, Panagiotis Petridis, Sylvester Arnab, Simon Scarle, Maurice Hendrix

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Published conference outputConference publication


Serious games are very content-rich forms of educational media, often combining high fidelity visual and audio content with diverse pedagogic approaches. This paper introduces scenario-based serious games repurposing and demonstrates repurposing a serious game into new learning objects. The process uses the scenario editor called "mEditor". Two case studies based on the Happy Night Club serious game are presented. The article describes exploratory work which continues the work that started within the mEducator project regarding repurposing serious games in order to enable their use and reuse in the same or different educational contexts.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSIGDOC'11 - Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC'11 - Pisa, Italy
Duration: 3 Oct 20115 Oct 2011


Conference29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC'11


  • interactive learning environments
  • media in education
  • serious games
  • simulations
  • virtual reality


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