Size distribution curves of senile plaques in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: do plaques grow according to the log-normal model?

Richard A. Armstrong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The size frequency distributions of diffuse, primitive and cored senile plaques (SP) were studied in single sections of the temporal lobe from 10 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The size distribution curves were unimodal and positively skewed. The size distribution curve of the diffuse plaques was shifted towards larger plaques while those of the neuritic and cored plaques were shifted towards smaller plaques. The neuritic/diffuse plaque ratio was maximal in the 11 – 30 micron size class and the cored/ diffuse plaque ratio in the 21 – 30 micron size class. The size distribution curves of the three types of plaque deviated significantly from a log-normal distribution. Distributions expressed on a logarithmic scale were ‘leptokurtic’, i.e. with excess of observations near the mean. These results suggest that SP in AD grow to within a more restricted size range than predicted from a log-normal model. In addition, there appear to be differences in the patterns of growth of diffuse, primitive and cored plaques. If neuritic and cored plaques develop from earlier diffuse plaques, then smaller diffuse plaques are more likely to be converted to mature plaques.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-67
Number of pages5
JournalAlzheimer's Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 1997


  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • log-normal distribution
  • senile plaques
  • size distribution curve


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