Special issue: key debates in the translation of advertising material

Beverly Adab (Editor), Cristina Valdés

    Research output: Book/ReportScholarly edition


    Much has been written about the marketing aspects of promotional material in general, and several scholars (particularly in linguistics) have addressed questions relating to the structure and function of advertisements, focusing on images, rhetorical structure, semiotic functions, discourse features and audio-visual media, amongst other aspects of the genre. Not much, on the other hand, has been written within translation studies about the complexities involved in the transfer of an advertising message.
    Contributors to this volume explore various interdependent aspects of the interlingual and intercultural transfer of an advertising message. They emphasize features of culture specificity, of multi-medial semiotic interaction, of values and stereotypes, and most importantly, they recommend strategies and approaches to assist translators. Topics covered include a critique of the Western-based approach to advertising in the context of the Far East; different perceptions of the concept of cleanliness in advertising texts in Italy, Russia and the UK; the Walls Cornetto strategy of internationalization of product appeal, followed by localization; the role of the translator in recreating appeal in different lingua-cultural contexts; what constitutes 'Italianness' in advertisements for British consumers; and strategies for repackaging France as a tourist destination.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSt Jerome Publishing
    ISBN (Print)1-900650-80-0
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2004

    Publication series

    NameTranslation studies abstracts online
    PublisherSt. Jerome publishing
    ISSN (Electronic)1742-9137


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