Submission of evidence on the disproportionate impact of COVID 19, and the UK government response, on ethnic minorities and women in the UK

Alexis Paton*, Gary Fooks, Gaja Maestri, Pam Lowe

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


In this submission, we discuss why women and people from ethnic backgrounds (BAME) are, and will be, negatively affected by the COVID-19 virus and the government response. We describe how COVID-19 exacerbates underlying health inequalities. We highlight how existing medical guidance compound these inequalities by failing to take them into account. We discuss the negative effects that pandemic measures have had on women, in particular women asylum- seekers and women seeking reproductive health services. Finally, we present recommendations for short and long-term change to the pandemic response to avoid further harm and discrimination of people with these protected characteristics.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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