Synthesizing Methuselah: The Question of Artificial Agelessness

Richard B. Gibson*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As biological organisms, we age and, eventually, die. However, age's deteriorating effects may not be universal. Some theoretical entities, due to their synthetic composition, could exist independently from aging-Artificial general intelligence (AGI). With adequate resource access, an AGI could theoretically be ageless and would be, in some sense, immortal. Yet, this need not be inevitable. Designers could imbue AGIs with artificial mortality via an internal shut-off point. The question, though, is, should they? Should researchers curtail an AGI's potentially endless lifespan by deliberately making it mortal? It is this question that this article explores. First, it considers what type of AGI is under discussion before outlining how such beings could be ageless. Then, after clarifying the type of immortality under discussion and arguing that imbuing an AGI with synthetic aging would be person-Affecting, the article explores four core conundrums: (i) deliberately causing a morally significant being's death; (ii) immortality's associated harms; (iii) concerns about immortality's unequal assignment; and (iv) the danger of immortal AGI overlords. The article concludes that while prudence requires we create an aging AGI, in the face of the material harm such an action would constitute, this is an insufficient reason to justify doing so.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-75
Number of pages16
JournalCambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
Issue number1
Early online date22 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • aging
  • artificial intelligence
  • death
  • immortality
  • moral status


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