The MOEADr Package – A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition

Felipe Campelo, Lucas Batista, Claus Aranha

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) represent a widely used class of population-based metaheuristics for the solution of multicriteria optimization problems. We introduce the MOEADr package, which offers many of these variants as instantiations of a component-oriented framework. This approach contributes for easier reproducibility of existing MOEA/D variants from the literature, as well as for faster development and testing of new composite algorithms. The package offers an standardized, modular implementation of MOEA/D based on this framework, which was designed aiming at providing researchers and practitioners with a standard way to discuss and express MOEA/D variants. In this paper we introduce the design principles behind the MOEADr package, as well as its current components. Three case studies are provided to illustrate the main aspects of the package.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-39
    JournalJournal of Statistical Software
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2020

    Bibliographical note

    This work is licensed under the licenses
    Paper: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
    Code: GNU General Public License (at least one of version 2 or version 3) or a GPL-compatible license.


    • Component-oriented design
    • MOEA/D
    • Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
    • R


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    • MOEADr: Component-Wise MOEA/D Implementation

      Campelo, F. (Developer) & Aranha, C. (Developer), 16 Mar 2017

      Research output: Non-textual formSoftware

      Open Access

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