The move to servitization (from a product service system point of view)

Jenny Ang, Kian M. Goh, Tim S. Baines

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferenceAbstract


Product Service Systems (PSSs) emphasize the substitution of products with services. The term “Servitisation” was introduced by Sandra Vendermerwe in the 80s to represent the addition of services to increase a company’s competitive edge. Key to PSS, and Servitisation more generally, is the “informated product”. The informated product enables health monitoring of the product in use and can be key to a workable PSS. This paper reviews the evolution of servitisation and the associated business benefit. It also then reviews the concept of informated product reconfiguration techniques and remote services that enables PSS to be delivered.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event18th annual conference of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS) - Dallas TX, United States
Duration: 4 May 20077 May 2007


Conference18th annual conference of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS)
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityDallas TX


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