The Rise of Disability Rights Advocacy in China: Now is the Time for More International Support

Hermann Aubié

Research output: Preprint or Working paperWorking paper


There are at least 85 million disabled people in China, with most living below the poverty line. While the Chinese Government has expressed a strong will to address their problems by ratifying in 2008 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it has a patchy record in protecting the rights of disabled people. In contrast, even though they are poorly funded, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) run by disabled people have been dramatically more effective but need more support to scale up their achievements. This policy paper explains why it is important to provide more international support for these CSOs at this historical juncture of their development.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Bibliographical note

© 2014 The Author


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