The silence of the archives: postcolonialism and the practice of historical reconstruction from archival evidence

Stephanie Decker

Research output: Preprint or Working paperWorking paper


History as a discipline has been accused of being a-theoretical. For business historians working at business schools, however, the issue of methodology looms larger, as it is hard to make contributions to social science debates without explicating one’s disciplinary methodology. This paper seeks to outline an important aspect of historical methodology, which is data collection from archives. In this area, postcolonialism has made significant methodological contributions not just for non-Western history, as it has emphasized the importance of considering how archives were created, and how one can legitimately use them despite their limitations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMunich (DE)
PublisherMunich Personal RePEc Archive
Publication statusPublished - 22 Feb 2012

Publication series

NameMPRA Paper
PublisherMunich Personal RePEc Archive

Bibliographical note

© Stephanie Decker


  • business history
  • historiography
  • historical methodology
  • qualitative methodology
  • organization studies


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