Understanding motivations for entrepreneurship

Ute Stephan, Mark Hart, Tomasz Mickiewicz, Cord-Christian Drews,

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The main aims of the study were to explore the different factors motivating entrepreneurs to start a business; explore whether motivations for entrepreneurship change and the impact of the recession; identify any correlates of motivations for entrepreneurship; and to examine the consequences of the different motivations for the entrepreneurial process and performance.
The study is based on a re-survey of 1,000 entrepreneurs first identified in GEM and supplemented by in-depth interviews carried out with 40 entrepreneurs.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills
Commissioning bodyDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills
Number of pages109
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2015

Publication series

NameBIS Research Paper

Bibliographical note

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  • entrepreneurship
  • entrepreneurship policy
  • motivations
  • recession
  • firm performance
  • firm survival
  • innovation
  • exporting
  • growth aspirations


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