Understanding tourism development: A representational approach

Elina Meliou, Leonidas Maroudas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The article investigates hotel employees and postgraduate students’
representations of “tourism development”, using social representations theory.
Data from a sample of eighty participants were collected on Chios Island, Greece.
To reveal social representations a word association procedure was applied
followed by a correspondence analysis. The analysis attempts to map the
meanings associated with “tourism development” and to pinpoint the links
between those meanings. Results highlight differences and similarities in the
representation of “tourism development” according to individuals’ social
membership, offering an interesting insight for employers and educators.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)115-127
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

© University of the Aegean. Printed in Greece. Some rights reserved. CC BY NC ND


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