Unpaid Overtime: Measuring its Contribution to the UK Industries’ Output

Eleni Papagiannaki, Dimitris Giraleas, Emmanuel Thanassoulis

Research output: Preprint or Working paperWorking paper


Unpaid overtime in Britain has been excessive. The article measures the
contribution of unpaid overtime in relation to UK industries economic output
(Gross Value Added-GVA) for the period 2002-2012, using the Labour Force
Survey (LFS) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS-Blue Book),
capturing the different patterns before and after the 2007-8 crisis. Measuring
unpaid overtime’s contribution and the other parts of working day has
important implication on labour’s remuneration. The paper adopts an outputbased approach evaluation of unpaid labour. A decomposed working day is
therefore examined by employing statistical regression methods (Pooled OLS,
LASSO and FGLS) to account for unpaid overtime’s contribution to the UK
industries’ output (GVA). The results display a strong link between unpaid
overtime and GVA, and particularly its post-crisis contribution to GVA is
significant in contrast to the weak pre-crisis relationship.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2021

Publication series

NameCAFÉ Working Papers

Bibliographical note

© 2021 The Authors


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