Элементы яркой разговорной речи в прозе В. Шукшина

Translated title of the thesis: Elements of vivid colloquial speech in V. Shukshin's prose
  • O.A. Karban

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Philosophy


Russian language MPhil thesis; English title, "Elements of vivid colloquial speech in V. Shukshin's prose".

[Also includes 16 page English language summary, first three paragraphs below]:

Russian is one of the richest and most distinctive languages in the world. This is the result of its centuries-long history which reflects the history of the Russian people, the history of its economic, political and spiritual development and of its relationships with other nations.

Language fulfills the most varied of functions in human society. In implementing these varied functions language has, over the course of history, experienced the deposition and formation of individual varieties, characterised by the presence in each of them of particular lexico-phraseological, and also syntactic resources used exclusively or predominantly in that given variety of language. Being closely linked with the content, aims and tasks of communication, these varieties, called functional styles, are differentiated from each other by the principles of selection and of combination of resources from their super-ordinated national language. At the same time, these functional styles are not sealed off from each other - they are in a relationship of continuous interactionm there are no clear boundaries between them and even those language resources which are specific to a given style commute freely between a range of styles.

The question of the “legality" of using’ non-literary lexis in works of belles-lettres has always been contentious. It excites not only linguists, , but also writers and readers. It is the aim of this research to show how, far the use of various groups of vernacular lexis is justified in belles-lettres. The material: for this thesis was provided by a lexico-syntactic analysis, conducted on synchronic lines (by means of "frontal" excerption and dictionary checking), of the stylistic devices and their salient characteristics in the writings of the) Soviet author V. Shukshin.

Date of Award1982
Original languageRussian
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • colloquial speech
  • Shukshin's prose

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