A study of fast reactions in nozzle type reactors

  • Akintunde K. Coker

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


A study of fast reactions in three nozzle reactors of the same geometry has been investigated. The nozzle reactors are 0.55 x 10¯³ m³ 1.52 x 10¯³ m³ and 5.13 x 10¯³ m³ respectively, and flow visualizations have been studied by injecting a tracer into the inlet and at the walls of the reactors. A mathematical model which has been developed, suggests that the flow characteristics in the systems consisted mainly of a series of continuous stirred tanks (CSTR1' s) with a plug flow between them, and a parallel stream of a plug flow.
Fast reactions studies involving aqueous solut­ions of sodium carbonate (Na₂Co₂) and sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄) were carried out at varying molar ratios and flow rates in 0.55 x 10¯³ m³ and 5.13 x 10¯³ m³ nozzle reactors respectively.
The product samples were determined volumetrically; the yield of the product and the amount of the excess acid reacted in each reactor were determined from stiochiometry. A modified residence time distribu­tion model was developed with the designed equations for a CSTR and plug flow to determine the conversion of the limiting reactant concentration.
Neutralization reaction was carried out involv­ing Linear alkyl sulphonic acid (Dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid) with aqueous solution of sodium carbonate and at varying viscosity of the surfactant in 0.55 x 10¯³ m³ nozzle reactor. Studies were conducted at varying flow rates of Dobanic acid and sodium carbonate, and the percentage of the active detergent was analyzed volumetrically.

Date of Award1985
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorG. V. Jeffreys (Supervisor)


  • Fast reactions
  • nozzle type reactors
  • Air core
  • Residence Time Distribution
  • Dobane JN

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