Deformations of the pneumatic tyre

  • David J. Osborne

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    A mathematical model is developed for the general pneumatic tyre. The model will permit the investigations of tyre deformations produced by arbitrary external loading, and will enable estimates to be made of the distributions of applied and reactive forces.
    The principle of Finite Elements is used to idealise the composite tyre structure, each element consisting of a triangle of double curvature with varying thickness. Large deflections of' the structure are accomodated by the use of an iterative sequence of small incremental steps, each of' which obeys the laws of linear
    The theoretical results are found to compare favourably with the experimental test data obtained from two different types of ttye construction. However, limitations in the discretisation process has prohibited accurate assessments to be made of stress distributions in the regions of high stress gradients ..
    Date of AwardAug 1972
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Aston University
    SupervisorS. Rangachary (Supervisor)


    • Deformations
    • pneumatic tyre

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