Drug information in general practice pharmacy

  • Barbara J. Stewart

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Philosophy


The drug information sources currently available to general practice pharmacists have been identified. The use of and attitudes to these sources were assessed as well as the perceived information needs of practising pharmacists. The special requirements of women pharmacists and pharmacists working part-time were studied. The relationship of the medical representative as an information source for pharmacists was evaluated. Participation in continuing education programmes as a vital means of ensuring current information awareness and knowledge for the practising profession has been considered. Investigations were mainly pursued by questionnaire survey, while computer facilities were used for the processing and the analyses of data. The desirability of collated and evaluated information from one or more independent authoritative sources has been discussed. The increasing advisory role of the general practice pharmacist and the needs of the patient and potential customer have been discussed, with projections for the pharmacist's future health care contribution.
Date of Award1980
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • Drug information
  • general practice pharmacy
  • continuing education
  • women pharmacists
  • medical representatives

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