Drying of portland cement raw material slurries
: predicting the performance of a counter-current spray drier

  • Akinpelu O. Esubiyi

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


An extensive review of literature has been carried out concerning the drying
of single drops, sprays of droplets and the prediction of spray drier
performances. The experimental investigation has been divided into two broad parts mainly: (1) Single Drop Experiments, and (2) Spray Drying and Residence Time Distribution Experiments. The thermal conductivity of slurry cakes from five different sources have been experimentally determined using a modified Lee's Disc Apparatus and the data collected was correlated by the polynominal...
Good agreement was observed between the experimental thermal conductivity
values and the predicted ones. The fit gave a variance ... for the various samples experimented on. A mathematical model for estimating crust mass transfer coefficient at high drying temperatures was derived.

Date of AwardAug 1980
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • drying
  • portland cement
  • raw material slurries
  • predicting performance
  • counter-current
  • spray drier

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