Ecological studies of the biodeterioration of a model cellulose substrate by fungi

  • K.A. Malik

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    A technique has been described which successfully
    maintains a controlled microenvironmental condition on a
    cellulosic substrate by continuous perfusion with a
    predetermined nutrient solution. This technique has been
    used to study the effect of different ecological factors
    namely pH, temperature, nitrogen sources and glucose
    nutrition on the fungal colonization of a model cellulose
    substrate in the form of heat rolled polythene backed cellulose
    chromotography paper, buried in soil. Different successional
    patterns of fungi colonizing this substrate, have been
    elucidated and the role of " secondary sugar fungi" has
    also been elaborated. The extent of biodeterioration of
    the cellulosic substrate has been determined by its weight
    loss estimations. Maximum biodeterioration was recorded
    at 50 °C

    The role of thermophilic actinomycetes in the cellulose
    biodeterioration has been elucidated by using the perfusion
    technique for their selective isolation. Five species were
    identified and their cellulolytic ability was also determined.

    The relative cellulolytic ability of all the fungi
    isolated has been estimated by measuring the depth of clearing
    of the cellulose agar columns. The effect of pH, temperature,
    nitrogen sources and glucose nutrition on the relative
    cellulolytic ability has also been observed.

    An alteration of the perfusion technique has been
    described and used to study the effect of diffusible
    metabolites of cellulolytic fungi on their linear growth.
    The effect of non diffusible metabolites of these fungi on their cellulolytic ability has also been studied by
    growing them in mixed culture and then observing
    the clearing of the cellulose agar. There were very
    few cases of synergism as compared to widespread inhibition.

    The perfusion technique has also been used to study
    the germination and penetration of the spores of ten
    cellulolytic fungi through different thicknesses of fibre
    glass cloth. The mode of cellulase production and its
    diffusion was also analysed by estimating the weight loss
    of the different layers of a wad of five perfused cellulose
    strips, after inoculating the top strip.

    The perfusion technique has also been used as a
    test method for screening different biocides commonly
    used as textile preservatives. Its scope in detoxification
    studies has also been discussed
    Date of Award1970
    Original languageEnglish


    • biological science
    • biodeterioration
    • cellulose
    • fungi

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