Feasibility studies of an on-line identification technique

  • Peter R. Price

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This thesis is concerned with the study of a non-sequential identification technique, so that it may be applied to the identification of process plant mathematical models from process measurements with the greatest degree of accuracy and reliability.
In order to study the accuracy of the technique under differing conditions, simple mathematical models were set up on a parallel hybrid. computer and these models identified from input/output measurements by a small on-line digital computer.
Initially, the simulated models were identified on-line. However, this method of operation was found not suitable for a thorough study of the technique due to equipment limitations. Further analysis was carried out in a large off-line computer using data generated by the small on-line computer. Hence identification was not strictly on-line.
Results of the work have shovm that the identification technique may be successfully applied in practice. An optimum sampling period is suggested, together with noise level limitations for maximum accuracy.
A description of a double-effect evaporator is included in this thesis. It is proposed that the next stage in the work will be the identification of a mathematical model of this evaporator using the teclmique described.
Date of AwardJul 1971
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University
SupervisorB. Gay (Supervisor)


  • non-sequential
  • identification technique
  • on-line
  • double-effect evaporator

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