Holidaymaker satisfaction : a measure derived from the Ragheb and Beard Leisure Motivation Scale

  • Christopher A. Ryan

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This paper develops a theory of tourist satisfaction which is tested by using a consumerist gap scale derived from the Ragheb and Beard Leisure Motivation Scale. The sample consists of 1127 holiday makers from the East Midlands, UK. The results confirm the four dimensions of the original scale, and are used to develop clusters of holidaymakers. These clusters are found to be determinants of attitudes towards holiday destination attributes, and are independent of socio-demographic variables. Other determinants of holiday maker satisfaction are also examined. Among the conclusions drawn are the continuing importance of life cycle stages and previous holiday maker satisfaction. There is little evidence found for the travel career hypothesis developed by Professor Philip Pearce.
Date of Award1994
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aston University


  • Holidaymaker satisfaction
  • measure
  • Ragheb and Beard Leisure Motivation Scale

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