Integrating Computer Aided Engineering Functions: the Management of Information

  • Emilius M. Pensulo

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


The integration of computer aided engineering functions is one of the most pressing requirements in the industrial computing field today, as evidenced by the interest shown in the concept of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). However, major obstacles exist at many levels. Within individual enterprises, the main problem seems to be the inability of discrete software systems to share data effectively. This was the problem addressed in this research work. The solution was seen to lie in a full analysis and centralized management of the common data in the system.

There are three main sections in this thesis. Firstly, the formulation of a generalized methodology for the realization of a discrete mechanical product is outlined in order to expose the domain for integration. Specific proposals are then presented regarding the design of integrated CAE systems based on the database approach to information management. These proposals arose from a study of the specific nature of engineering data and activities and also from those of discrete mechanical products. The main problem identified was the maintenance of data integrity in an engineering database: this led to the two main proposals made in the thesis i.e. the introduction of deductive capacities in the conventional database system architecture and the layering of the database
structure into a global and several local components. The last section of the thesis concerns the design, implementation and
evaluation of an integrated CAE system, created in order to enable an objective evaluation of the proposals arising from
the research to be carried out. The specific application chosen was the design of industrial gearboxes.

It is now generally recognized that integration has to involve some form of centralized database management. The subject of
this thesis is therefore likely to remain of interest for sometime to come.
Date of AwardMar 1987
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorT.H.E. Richards (Supervisor)


  • computer aided engineering functions
  • information management

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